How to bulk import multiple contractors?

You can mass import multiple contractors using a CSV file template provided during the process.

Tour overview


The platform provides a mass import option for adding multiple contractors at once. By downloading and using the CSV file template, companies can input details for as many contractors as needed. After uploading the CSV file, the system validates the data and prompts for corrections if any errors are found. Once the data is validated, there’s an option to upload pre-signed agreements for all contractors at once or skip this step and upload agreements individually later.

  • Click Add new contractor button and next Mass import

    • Navigate to the Team or Overview Tab

    • Click on Add new contractor and next on Mass import button

  • Download CSV Template:

    • Navigate to the mass import section of the platform.

    • Download the provided CSV file template.

  • Fill Out Contractor Details:

    • Input the details for each contractor into the CSV file.

  • Upload CSV File:

    • Upload the completed CSV file to the platform.

    • The system will validate the data.

  • Resolve Validation Errors:

    • If any errors are detected, the platform will prompt you to correct them.

    • Make the necessary corrections and re-upload the file if needed.

  • Upload Pre-signed Agreements (Optional):

    • After data validation, you can choose to upload pre-signed agreements for all contractors at once.

    • If you prefer, you can skip this step and upload agreements individually later.

  • Complete Import:

    • Once all data is validated and agreements are managed, the contractors will be added to the platform.


  • How can I mass import contractors?

    • You can mass import contractors by using the provided CSV file template during the import process.

  • Where can I find the CSV template?

    • The CSV template is included in the mass import process, and you can download it from the platform.

  • What happens if there are errors in the uploaded data?

    • The system will validate the data and prompt you to correct any errors before proceeding.

  • Can I upload pre-signed agreements for all contractors at once?

    • Yes, after the data validation step, you can mass upload pre-signed agreements or choose to skip this and upload them one by one later.

  • Can I skip uploading agreements and do it later?

    • Yes, you can skip the agreement upload step and add them individually later.