How to fill out the tax form required by the US government?

RemoContractor simplifies the hiring process, making it efficient for both clients and contractors. Our system ensures compliance with US regulations while providing a seamless experience.

Tour overview


  • Easy onboarding: Once a company decides to hire you, you’ll receive an invitation from RemoContractor. The onboarding process is straightforward and quick.

  • Provide necessary information: You’ll need to fill in your data, which will be reflected on the W-9 tax form. This form is required by the US government for tax purposes.


  • How do I get started with RemoContractor?

    • Once a company hires you, you’ll receive an invitation from RemoContractor. Follow the link in the invitation to start the onboarding process.
  • What information do I need to provide during onboarding?

    • You’ll need to provide your personal and tax information, which will be used to fill out the W-9 tax form required by the US government.
  • How will I know when I’ve been paid?

    • You will receive notifications once your payment is processed and on its way.
  • Can I track the status of my payments?

    • Yes, you can track your payment status through your account. You’ll see when payments are processed and received.
  • What is a W-9 form?

    • A W-9 form is required by the US government to collect tax information from contractors. This form is necessary for reporting income to the IRS.