How to manage the contractor's milestones?

Allow companies to efficiently oversee the progress and payment of contractor milestones

Tour overview


The milestones management feature allows companies to efficiently oversee the progress and payment of contractor milestones. The milestones are categorized as pending (in progress or completed but awaiting client review) or approved (approved by the client). Companies can add, edit, or delete milestones directly from the contractor's profile. Upon reviewing a completed milestone, the company can approve it, generating a draft payment, or reject it, providing a reason that is communicated to the contractor. Approved milestones can be tracked in both the company’s and contractor’s apps, with payment status visible in the Pay Contractor tab.

  • Access Contractor’s Profile:

    • Log in to your company profile on the platform.

    • Navigate to the contractor's profile where you can view the milestones list.

  • View Milestones List:

    • The list is divided into:

      • Pending: In progress or completed, awaiting review.

      • Approved: Milestones that have been reviewed and approved by the client.

  • Add, Edit, or Delete Milestones:

    • You can:

      • Add New Milestone: Provide a title, deadline, and payment amount. Optionally, add a description and attachment.

      • Edit or Delete Milestone: Make necessary changes or remove a milestone.

  • Review Completed Milestones:

    • For completed milestones under the pending section:

      • Approve: Generates a draft payment and moves the milestone to the approved section.

      • Reject: Provide a reason for rejection, which will be sent to the contractor.

  • Track Payment Status:

    • After approval, the draft payment is generated and can be tracked in the Pay Contractor tab.

    • The contractor can also see the payment status in their app.


  • How do I manage milestones for a contractor?
    • Go to the contractor's profile and access the milestones list, which is divided into pending and approved sections.
  • What does the pending milestone status mean?
    • Pending means the milestone is either in progress or completed and awaiting the client’s review.
  • What actions can I take on a pending milestone?
    • You can edit, delete, or add new milestones. For completed milestones, you can approve or reject them.
  • What happens when I approve a milestone?
    • Approving a milestone generates a draft payment, moves it to the approved tab, and allows you to track payment status in the Pay Contractor tab.
  • What happens if I reject a milestone?
    • When rejecting a milestone, you can provide a reason, which will be sent to the contractor for further clarification or revision.
  • Can I add new milestones after the initial setup?
    • Yes, you can add new milestones at any time. Required fields include the title, deadline, and payment amount, while description and attachment are optional.