How to set up the Payment information for the Contractor

Now that you've added contractors to the platform, you need to set up their payment info. Keep reading to know more about how to do it!

Once you add the contractors from the Remofirst platform, they will receive an email invitation to join your team on the platform. 

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  • They will need to finish activating their accounts by providing some information, including Payment details.

Once they finish the activation their status will be set to Active.

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Now you can go to their profiles and check this information on the platform. To do so:

  • Navigate to the Team tab on the left-side menu

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  • Go to the Contractors tab and select the contractor

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  • Go to the Payment details - information submitted by the contractor will appear here. If you need to update the information, select the Edit button

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  • Make changes and click Save

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If the Payment Details page is empty - that means that this information wasn’t provided by the contractor

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  • In that case, you can add this information on your own by selecting the Edit button and entering the details.

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